How to Use Input

How to Use Input

Setting an Initial Value

Set the value that will be entered as the initial value. You can set either a fixed value or a dynamic value.

Setting the Input Type

Set the type of characters that will be entered.

Applying a Dynamic Value to the Initial Value of an Input

  1. Drag & drop a [Column].
  2. Drag & drop a [Table] to the left side of the [Column] you placed in step 1.
  3. Drag & drop an [Input] to the right side of the [Column] you placed in step 1.
  4. Enter {{ }} in [Default value] of the [Input].

Changing the selected row in the table will change the initial value accordingly. This is commonly used for inputs when updating specific values.

Note: {{ }} allows access to the state of components and can execute JavaScript internally. You can also enter a fixed value without using {{ }}.

Setting Validation

You can set various validations for the input. When an input has validations set, the invalid parameter becomes usable.

invalid monitors the input and changes in real-time, so it can be utilized in conditions like [Disabled] for a button using {{ input1.invalid }}.

Also, if a dataflow references an input with set validations, it will check before executing, and it will result in an error if the conditions are not met.