How to Use Table

How to Use Table

Displaying Data in a Table

  1. Click [Create] next to [Dataflows].
  2. Select [Onboarding DB] in [Select resource].
  3. Change the name of the dataflow next to the [Run] button to listUsers.
  4. Write the following query in [SQL]:
  1. Press [Run] to run.
  2. Place a [Table] element.
  3. Enter {{ }} in [Data] of the [Table].

Note: If values retrieved from a REST API or other sources are nested, you can access nested data by writing something like {{ }}.

Modifying the Display of Columns in the Table

Set the display name of the columns in [Display name].

Select the type of data display in [Type].

You can hide columns by turning on [Hidden].

You can also change the order of columns by dragging and dropping each column in the column list.

Changing the Height of the Table

Select the table and edit the [Height] field to change the height of the table.

If you want to dynamically change the height based on the retrieved data, you can set a dynamic height by entering {{ }}.

Note: The maximum height is 20.

Setting Pagination

You can set pagination from the table component. Currently, it supports Limit-Offset based and Cursor based pagination.

Setting Limit-Offset Based Pagination

Displaying User Information in the Table

  1. Click [Create] on the right side of [Dataflows].
  2. Change the dataflow name next to the [Run] button to listUsers.
  3. Select [Onboarding DB] in [Select resource] and check [Run automatically on inputs change].
  4. Enter the following SQL in [SQL]:

```sql SELECT * FROM users LIMIT 10 OFFSET 0; ```

  1. Click [Run] to run.
  2. Drag & drop a [Table] onto the canvas and enter {{ }} in [Data].

Reflecting Total Data Count in the Table

  1. Click [Create] on the right side of [Dataflows].
  2. Change the dataflow name next to the [Run] button to countUsers.
  3. Select [Onboarding DB] in [Select resource].
  4. Enter the following SQL in [SQL]:
SELECT COUNT(*) as count FROM users;
  1. Click the placed [Table] and check [Pagination > Server-side pagination] in [Inspect].
  2. Select Offset-based in [Type].
  3. Write {{[0].count }} in [Total count].

Setting Limit/Offset in dataflow

  1. Click listUsers from the dataflow list and modify the SQL as follows:
OFFSET {{ table1.paginationOffset }};
  1. Verify the pagination functionality.

Setting Cursor Based Pagination

Displaying User Information in the Table

  1. Click [Create] on the right side of [Dataflows].
  2. Change the dataflow name next to the [Run] button to listUsers.
  3. Select [Onboarding Firebase] in [Select resource] and check [Run automatically on inputs change].
  4. Select List documents in [Action].
  5. Enter users in [Collection] and 10 in [Limit].
  6. Enter id in [Order by].
  7. Press [Execute] to run.
  8. Drag & drop a [Table] onto the canvas and enter {{ }} in [Data].

Preparing the Table Component for Cursor Based Pagination

  1. Click the placed [Table] and check [Pagination > Server-side pagination] in [Inspect].
  2. Select Cursor-based in [Type].
  3. Enter the following in [Next Page Cursor]:
{{[ - 1].id }}
  1. Enter the following in [Previous Page Cursor]:
{{[0].id }}
  1. Enter the following in [Has More]:
{{ >= 10 }}

Setting Cursors in dataflow

  1. Click listUsers from the dataflow list and enter {{ table1.nextPageCursorValue }} in [Start after] and {{ table1.previousPageCursorValue }} in [End at].
  2. Verify the pagination functionality.