How to Bulk Import from Files

How to Bulk Import from Files

Bulk Importing Data from CSV to BigQuery


  • CSV file you want to import

Note: Column names must match the headers in the CSV file.

Note: TSV and JSON formats are also supported.

Placing Components

  1. Place a [Column].
  2. Adjust the width by moving the [Column] adjusters.
  3. Place a [Table] on the left side of the [Column].
  4. Place a [File] on the right side of the [Column].
  5. Place a [Modal] below the [File].
  6. Enter Check CSV as the [Button label] in the [Modal].
  7. Open the [Modal] and place a [Table] inside it.
  8. Place a [Button] below the [Table] in the [Modal].
  9. Enter Execute Bulk Import as the [Label] on the [Button].

Creating a Dataflow

  1. Click [Create] in the [Dataflows].
  2. Select any data source integrated with BigQuery.
  3. Choose [SQL] for the [Mode].
  4. Enter the following SQL in [SQL]:
SELECT * FROM <dataset_name>.<table_name> LIMIT 20;
  1. Click [Run] to run.
  2. Click [Create] in the [Dataflows] again.
  3. Select any data source integrated with BigQuery.
  4. Choose [GUI] for the [Mode].
  5. Select an [Action]. Choose Bulk insert for bulk inserts or Bulk upsert for bulk inserts/updates.
  6. Enter the relevant dataset name in [Dataset] for BigQuery.
  7. Enter the relevant table name in [Table] for BigQuery.
  8. Enter {{ file1.value[0].parsedData }} in [Items].
  9. Enter id in [Primary keys] (only if Bulk upsert is selected).
  10. Add an [Success events] and select dataflow1 under [Dataflfow].

Linking Dataflow and Components

  1. Enter {{ }} as the [Data] for the first placed [Table].
  2. Enter {{ file1.value[0].parsedData }} as the [Data] for the [Table] inside the [Modal].
  3. Click [Add] on the [Button] inside the [Modal].
  4. Select dataflow2 under [Dataflow] in the event settings.