How to Use Text

How to Use Text

Setting the Text to Display

Set the text to be displayed. You can set either a fixed value or a dynamic value.

Displaying the Return Value from a dataflow

Refer to the value from a dataflow named countUsers.

  1. Click [Create] from the dataflow list.
  2. Change the dataflow name next to the [Run] button to countUsers.
  3. Select [Onboarding DB] in [Select resource].
  4. Enter the following SQL in [SQL]:

```sql SELECT COUNT(*) as count from users; ```

  1. Click [Run].
  2. Drag & drop a [Text] component from the right tab onto the canvas.
  3. In the [Text] component, write {{ String([0].count) }}.

Displaying Data from a Selected Row of a Table

Display the email address of the selected user.

  1. Click [Create] from the dataflow list.
  2. Change the dataflow name next to the [Run] button to listUsers.
  3. Select [Onboarding DB] in [Select resource].
  4. Enter the following SQL in [SQL]:

```sql SELECT * from users; ```

  1. Click [Run].
  2. Drag & drop a [Column] onto the canvas.
  3. Drag & drop a [Table] to the left side of the [Column].
  4. Enter {{ }} in [Data] of the [Table].
  5. Drag & drop a [Text] to the right side of the [Column].
  6. With the text selected, enter {{ }} in [Text] in the [Inspect].
  7. Confirm that the display changes when the selected row in the table is changed.

Using Markdown Syntax

By selecting the text component and changing [Display mode] to [Markdown], you can write using markdown syntax.

It complies with the formats supported by GitHub's Basic writing and formatting syntax (opens in a new tab).