Data sources
Connect Databses
Amazon DynamoDB

Amazon DynamoDB

With Querier, you can integrate with Amazon DynamoDB and execute various queries.


Follow these steps to obtain the connection information for Amazon DynamoDB:

  1. Click your username at the top right of the AWS console.
  2. From the dropdown menu, click [Security Credentials].
  3. Move to the [Access Management > Users] tab from the left navigation.
  4. Click [Add User].
  5. Enter a user name of your choice (e.g., querier-dynamodb).
  6. On the [Set Permissions] screen, choose [Attach policies directly].
  7. Select any permission policy related to Amazon DynamoDB.
  8. Click [Create User].
  9. Note the [Access Key ID] and [Secret Access Key].

Connection Method

1. Create a new data source connection

  1. Click the [Resources] tab.
  2. Click the [Create] button next to [Resources].
  3. Select [DynamoDB].

2. Enter the connection information

NameEnter the name for the Amazon DynamoDB connection.
RegionEnter the Amazon DynamoDB region.
Access Key IDEnter the Amazon DynamoDB access key ID.
Secret Access KeyEnter the Amazon DynamoDB secret access key.