Data sources
Setting Up Authentication for APIs

Setting Up Authentication for APIs

In the integration of REST APIs and GraphQL, you can set various authentication options. These can be specified in the [Authentication] section of each data integration screen.

Authentication Options

1. Basic Authentication

UsernameEnter the username used for basic authentication.
PasswordEnter the password used for basic authentication.

2. Bearer Token

Bearer TokenEnter the authentication token. Requests will be made in the format Authorization: Bearer <configured token>.

3. Custom Header

KeyEnter the header key for the token.
ValueEnter the token used for authentication.

4. Auth0

Client IDEnter the Client ID from Auth0.
Client SecretEnter the Client Secret from Auth0.
DomainEnter the domain for Auth0.
AudienceEnter the audience for Auth0.
Token HeaderEnter the header key where the token will be set. Default is Authorization.