Writing REST API Requests

Writing REST API Requests

Writing Variables in Path

You can dynamically specify an ID and send a request by writing something like /v1/users/{{ }}.

Writing the Body

Sending Requests in JSON Format

You can write the body in JSON format. For more details, please see here (opens in a new tab).

Sending Requests with Form Data

Text Data

  1. Change [Body type] to Form Data
  2. Click on [Add parameter]
  3. Enter the Form Data Key name in [key]
  4. Ensure that [Type] is set to Text
  5. Enter the Form Data value in [value]

File Data

  1. Change [Body type] to Form Data
  2. Click on [Add parameter]
  3. Enter the Form Data Key name in [key]
  4. Change [Type] to File
  5. Enter {{ file1.value[0] }} in [value] to reference the file component

🙋‍♂️ About the file component

The value of {{ file1.value[0] }} is in Object format, but before the API request, it is converted to multipart/form-data format by the query server and then sent as a request.

Array Data

  1. Change [Body type] to Form Data
  2. Click on [Add parameter]
  3. Enter the Form Data Key name as array[] in [key]
  4. Ensure that [Type] is set to Text
  5. Enter the Form Data value in [value]