Configure notification settings.

Configure notification settings.

Configure notification settings for success/failure

Specify the display time for notifications

The display time can be specified from the right side of the data flow panel by entering a number of seconds in the [Notification > Display Time of Notification (seconds) input.

If you do not enter a number, the default of 1.6 seconds will be applied.

Showing/Hiding Notifications

Notifications can be shown or hidden by turning the [Notification on Success/Failure > Notification on Success/Failure] switch on or off from the right side of the data flow panel.

Specifying the message of the notification

You can specify a message for the notification by entering a message in the [Notification on success/failure > Text to display on success] input from the right side of the data flow panel.

If no message is entered, the default message will be applied.

Add custom conditions to success/failure notifications

  1. Add a custom condition by clicking the button [Notification on Success/Failure > Add Custom Condition] from the right side of the data flow panel.
  2. Enter the condition in the [Condition] field of the custom condition added in step 1. (You can also refer to it by {{ }}.)
  3. Enter the message you wish to display in the [message] field of the custom condition added in step 1. (If no message is entered, the default message will be applied.)
  4. Run the data flow and verify that the notification is displayed according to the custom condition.